Planting the fall garden. Indoor crops that take a long time. Tonight at 9pm EDT/ 6pm PDT.
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Categories: Video Lessons
Cindy Barry · August 3, 2021 at 10:06 PM
great information as always. Just starting to think about the fall. A lot of my outdoor crops are being pulled out – potatoes, leeks, onions, etc. Want to replace them with something. Ideas?
Lilies and Tomatoes · August 4, 2021 at 10:37 AM
Cindy Barry I will start kohlrabi, carrots, turnips, small-headed cabbage, and kale next month. What do you like to eat? I like roasted potatoes and root veggies in the winter. You can also grow anything that you normally grow in spring like peas and broccoli. It’s too early for garlic but depending on your first fall frost date you may still have time for brussel sprouts.
Cindy Barry · August 4, 2021 at 2:02 PM
Ah peas, I will plant those. I have a ton of potatoes to dig up. I can also plant more kale. I should have planted more. My onions came out really wimpy but my tomatoes are doing well. Thanks for all your tips!
Lilies and Tomatoes · August 5, 2021 at 10:02 AM
Cindy Barry you’re welcome 🙂
Melissa Steinman · August 8, 2021 at 3:51 AM
Forgot to succession plant my peas. Gonna do that now and I’m going to try Brussels sprouts, but they only get one container. I’ll try them because I trust you.
Lilies and Tomatoes · August 8, 2021 at 11:46 AM
Melissa Steinman same as cabbage and kohlrabi. If you start with fresh and then roast them it’s heaven. Don’t ever buy frozen brussel sprouts they taste like sadness. The plants get really big. One plant is plenty. If you don’t get spouts you can eat the leaves.