SET A GARDEN GOAL: Things to consider when setting your garden goal. January 19, 2021 at 9pm EST / 6pm PST.
5 things that you should consider adding to your garden goals criteria:
- Grow what you eat or want to eat. If you hate tomatoes, then do not grow them.
- Grow for beauty or color. Bees love flowers that are blue, purple, white, and yellow. Different colored fruits and vegetables have different antioxidants.
- Grow for better health. Growing food that has the nutrients that you lack in your diet is better than taking a pill to get those nutrients.
- Grow things that will improve your garden. Grow a cover crop in the fall to help replenish nitrogen for the next spring.
- Grow things that freeze or store well so that you can have things after the end of the garden season.
If you would like to take advantage of the Lilies and Tomatoes Community 5% discount on seeds at Firefly Farm and Merchantile make sure that you use the code “Lilies” at checkout.
1 Comment
Lilies and Tomatoes · January 21, 2021 at 7:48 PM
I am seeing a lot of people talking/posting about seed shortages and companies suspending orders already. If you want to buy organic heirloom seeds online go to This is where I bought my seeds and a couple flower bulbs for this year. Use the code “Lilies” for a 5% discount.