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SIX Things You Need to Know About Your Garden Before YOU Decide What to Grow. These things will help you decide what you can grow, when to start seeds, and how to actually lay out your garden. January 26, 2021 at 9 pm Est / 6pm Pst.

The list:

  1. What is your Plant Hardiness Zone?
  2. What is the difference between an annual and a perennial?
  3. What are your first and last frost dates? Last frost in the spring and first frost in the fall.
  4. What is the length of your growing season? In this case, I mean your frost-free days in between your first and last frost dates.
  5. How much space do you have for your garden?
  6. What direction does the sun come from in your garden?

Optional info: At what point in the do you not get 10 hours of sun per day? You would want to know the date the the hours of sunlight goes below 10 hours and what date does the hours of sunlight go above 10 hours.

If you would like to take advantage of the Lilies and Tomatoes Community 5% discount on seeds at Firefly Farm and Merchantile make sure that you use the code “Lilies” at checkout.


Lilies and Tomatoes · January 26, 2021 at 9:17 PM

Use the code “Lilies” for a 5% discount at

Lilies and Tomatoes · January 26, 2021 at 9:22 PM

Want the surprise of monthly gardening love sent directly to your mailbox? Check out the new Monthly Mystery Seed Collection at Firefly Farm and Merchantile. One month, three months, and 6-month options available. Makes a great gift. Use the code “Lilies” for a 5% discount.

Katrina Seahorse Williams · January 26, 2021 at 9:43 PM

Little O is excited for seeds, either that, or he was waiting to hear Quiiiiin-Seeee in the video. Feeling the pressure to finish the indoor system plan. Ttys

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